This is coming after the work video that created a ruckus on the web.

KFN announced that Grace Jimoh had continued hauling him via web-based entertainment.

The mum of one was once again at it again as she uncovered the harsh thing he did to her.

The impending entertainer, who went toward the East to visit her family, uncovered that he had stuffed the furnishings and devices when she got back to the condo she once imparted to the entertainer.

Effortlessness guaranteed that the entertainer removed her generator, leaving her and their kid in obscurity.

She noticed how Yomi forced her to auction her family things during their affection days.

“I needed to venture out to Imo so everything can be quiet thus I can have individuals around which you informed and inquire as to whether have moved to Imo, however I let you know no, that I went to Imo so all that will be quiet and died down, Yomi, all things considered, I told you, you actually came and pack each damn thing we previously shared, and you later came to pack the offer you gave us, we rest in obscurity in the event that there is no light, I can’t cook on the off chance that there is no light since I purchased hot plate that I am utilizing, even the telephone you gave me as a gift when I born an offspring, you took it, and I previously gave out the old telephones I was utilizing. You were as yet the one that request that I run out or sell the properties I was involving in school, including gen and another things”.

In a previous post, Grace uncovered that she was experiencing melancholy.

She exposed the entertainer’s report that she was utilized as a set-up and the pregnancy was arranged and organized.

Beauty pummeled the entertainer for not thinking often about her emotional wellness.

Exposing her charges, Yomi Fabiyi hammered her for playing the orientation card to acquire public compassion and monetary guide to the detriment of his vocation and emotional wellness.

As per him, picking between evil, devilishness, viciousness, extortion or harmony, love, regard, or lowliness doesn’t have anything.

Sharing a video of Grace going through work torment, Yomi Fabiyi who seemed as though he was making quip of her during the work time frame scrutinized his devotees in the event that she looked beaten or abused.

This work video worked up additional responses, as his supporters called him out for making a joke of her work period.

Responding, Yomi delivered different posts done by Grace where she asserted that he beat and abused her while pregnant.

Exposing the posts, Yomi composed: DISCLAIMER: The work video had been posted beforehand, and got amicable remarks, congrats and recognitions.

Genuine FOLKS really look at the earnestness of direction. Shooting was to report a paramount second. How we respond in that was normal. There are heaps of work recordings on the web. The humor in that was the manner by which best I attempt to quiet and dowse strain. I SHOULDER THE RISK THEN THAN ANYBODY AND I AM HAPPY I WAS THERE FULLY WHEN NEEDED MOST.

No naked, blue-penciled part was recorded and delivered. Affectation is the point at which some movement with x-beam machines, break down to score modest virtual entertainment focuses, display stowed away disdain or exploit the obscurity of web-based entertainment.

In any case, the point of convergence of posting the video NOW is to help us to remember the wonderful second and show proof that I NEVER AND WILL NEVER BEAT MY PARTNER LET ALONE A WOMAN 9 MONTHS GONE. The shakedown and untruths hurt my image.

I hate abusive behavior at home, I mission and battle against it passionately. At the point when a few ladies are furious, they utilize outrageous strategies without response/alert. Try not to mark my picture with the such defaming charge, unsuitable.

— GistReel.Com (@GistReel) August 21, 2022

It merits the pressure of re-transferring as that was a significant criminal allegation. I’m subsidiary with key organizations and thoughts, quiet won’t be a decent one. BEAT a 9months pregnant lady to STUPOR is excessively outrageous for me. Age isn’t a plausible excuse for talking the TRUTH or lying. Online Entertainment and hogwash advantage.

A few known and obscure foes just considered the video to be a road to complete their DIRTY AGENDAS, tossing each watchfulness into the breeze. Very lamentable. I’m really miserable however not amazed, na dem, Que Sera.

Who God no FALL, no 10 billion wolves in sheep’s clothing cannot fall, they will just attempt. No vindictiveness expected in transferring SUCH JOYFUL-PAINFUL MOMENT. It remains our obligation, to STOP PLAYING THE GENDER CARD noxiously consistently. As PARENT, we treasure each second in it and are glad for it, IT IS OURS, not yours, know your LIMITS and don’t cry more than the dispossessed. Abosi o lere.

NB: Dear FANS, I AM A SOFT TARGET ONLINE NOW. The blueprint is to constantly drag me out unremittingly to exhaust individuals. I will continue to accomplish something beneficial, SPEAK THE TRUTH AND STAND BY WHAT IS RIGHT. Disregard THEM