Birthdays are the perfect time to give gifts, as gifts given on birthdays give a bonus to their affection towards you. It also sort of makes up for time you’ve spent totally ignoring someone, just a bit anyway

The calendar listings below touch on both the birthdays and holidays to expect during your time in Mineral Town. These can actually be seen in-game, but if you’re like me, you may prefer to have them written out to look at while you’re running around town.

What are alt birthdays?

The game tries not to make it so you have a birthday on the same day as other important characters, so alt birthdays are set when you have your birthday on the same day as their default.

For example, Popuri’s birthday is by default on Summer 3. If you set your birthday to Summer 3, her birthday will be moved to Summer 10 instead.

Spring Birthdays and Holidays

Spring 1: Mochi Pounding Tournament Spring 4: Bold’s birthday Spring 8: Harvest Goddess’ birthday, Kappa’s birthday Spring 9: Harvest Goddess’ alt birthday, Kappa’s alt birthday Spring 11: Saibara’s birthday Spring 14: White Day Spring 15: Blueberry’s birthday Spring 16: Elly’s birthday Spring 17: Mugi’s birthday Spring 18: Horse Race Festival Spring 19: Lillia’s birthday Spring 20: Elly’s alt birthday, Gourmet’s alt birthday Spring 21: Gourmet’s birthday Spring 22: Cooking Festival Spring 26: Aqua’s birthday Spring 30: Sasha’s birthday

Summer Birthdays and Holidays

Summer 1: Frisbee Festival Summer 3: Popuri’s birthday Summer 4: Harris’ birthday Summer 6: Cliff’s birthday Summer 7: Cluck Cluck Festival Summer 10: Popuri’s alt birthday, Cliff’s alt birthday Summer 11: Basil’s birthday Summer 16: Timid’s birthday Summer 17: Ran’s birthday, Kai’s alt birthday Summer 20: Moo Moo Festival Summer 22: Ran’s alt birthday Summer 24: Fireworks Festival Summer 25: Thomas’ birthday Summer 29: Zack’s birthday

Fall Birthdays and Holidays

Fall 2: Gotts’ birthday Fall 3: Music Festival Fall 5: Yu’s birthday Fall 7: Brandon’s birthday Fall 9: Harvest Festival Fall 10: Greedy’s birthday Fall 11: Mana’s birthday Fall 13: Moon Festival Fall 14: Cherry’s birthday Fall 15: Karen’s birthday Fall 18: Horse Race Festival Fall 19: Doctor’s birthday Fall 20: Carter’s birthday Fall 21: Fluffy Festival Fall 23: Anna’s birthday, Karen’s alt birthday, Rock’s alt birthday Fall 25: Doctor’s alt birthday Fall 27: Rick’s birthday Fall 30: Pumpkin Festival

Winter Birthdays and Holidays

Winter 2: Jennifer’s birthday Winter 6: Gray’s birthday Winter 11: Dudley’s birthday Winter 13: Ellen’s birthday Winter 14: Valentine’s Day Winter 15: Duke’s birthday Winter 19: Huang’s birthday Winter 20: Marie’s birthday Winter 21: Huang’s alt birthday Winter 22: Nappy’s birthday Winter 23: Marie’s alt birthday, Gray’s alt birthday Winter 24: Starry Night Festival Winter 25: Knit Stocking Gift Day Winter 26: Mei’s birthday Winter 29: Jeff’s birthday Winter 30: New Year’s Festival

There’s a lot to know about making the most of your time in Mineral Town, but that’s all you need to know about birthdays! Check out our other Friends of Mineral Town guides, but above all, enjoy the game in your own way and in your own time. You never know what you’ll come across.

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