Last seen in 2014’s Strider by Double Helix, Strider now enters the monster hunting fray equipped with his weapon of choice, the Cypher.

In MHGen, the Cypher functions as a pair of dual blades, with his hand being one “blade” and Cypher being the other. This allows Strider to achieve many acrobatic tactics due to the mobility and quick slashing motions of the dual blades. It also allows him to engage in a dual blade mechanic called “demon mode”, where he can strike constantly to build meter for an attack increase and even more evasive options.

Check out the full trailer here:

For those unaware, Capcom’s Monster Hunter series is known to have many free DLC packs of collaboration projects, including Puzzles & Dragons X, and Okami.

The latest installment for the main MH series will be Monster Hunter Generations, exclusively for the Nintendo 3DS this summer on July 15th.