Equity League chief Zack Snyder is a fanatic of Jared Leto’s presentation as the Joker in Suicide Squad. Despite the fact that the David Ayer film turned out in 2016, it’s been a major subject of discussion in the DC Extended Universe as of late. This is a consequence of the Justice League Snyder Cut discharging on HBO Max one year from now, with the declaration making some marvel if a comparative form of Suicide Squad existed. Ayer affirmed this in May, uncovering his cut exists and is almost finished, beside some VFX work. He’s likewise as often as possible prodded additional scenes and modified storylines from his rendition, in any event, empowering his Twitter devotees this week to campaign AT&T and HBO Max to discharge the Ayer Cut of Suicide Squad.


One of the characters generally influenced by the film’s reshoots was Leto’s Joker. Truth be told, Ayer has said “most” of Leto’s work hasn’t been seen. Noteworthy modifications were made to Harley Quinn and Joker’s relationship too, with Harley and Will Smith’s Deadshot getting together initially. Furthermore, in Ayer’s form, Joker makes an arrangement with Enchantress, causing Harley to confront him and side with her companions. On the whole, Joker should have an a lot greater job in Suicide Squad than he had in the last form, which Ayer has clarified troubles him.

Be that as it may, presently Leto can consider Snyder an aficionado of his interpretation of the character, because of a remark from the chief on Vero. One client on the stage asked his musings on Leto’s Joker, with Snyder reacting, “I generally adored him in the part.” That was then passed to Twitter, where Ayer himself shared Snyder’s remark, reacting with two emoticons summarizing his gratefulness for the executive’s words:

Snyder’s esteem of Leto as the Joker isn’t totally amazing, as it echoes what he’s said previously. Preceding Suicide Squad’s discharge, Snyder uncovered what he knew about Leto’s exhibition, saying, “I figure it will be astounding.” For this situation, Ayer sharing Snyder’s remark is very nearly a greater arrangement. It shows the two chiefs bolster one another and their work. Apparently, Snyder and Ayer feel a feeling of connection with their encounters in the DCEU, since neither of them had the option to discharge the specific film they needed to.

— David Ayer (@DavidAyerMovies) July 4, 2020

Now, any discussion about Suicide Squad and Joker is uplifting news for Ayer. On the off chance that the film stays on individuals’ psyches, at that point there’s a more grounded possibility it will in the long run be discharged on HBO Max or another stage. Interest for the Ayer Cut of Suicide Squad despite everything hasn’t arrived at the degree of the Snyder Cut at its pinnacle. In any case, Snyder’s ongoing remark about Joker unquestionably doesn’t do any harm.