The Consolations of the Forest (2011), which is about a mission to burn through a half year alone in a Siberian lodge, and The Art of Patience [fr] (2019), which is about the quest for snow panthers in Tibet, are two of his most renowned books.

He won the Prix Renaudot for the later book. In 2014, essayist Sylvain Tesson was engaged with a mishap that nearly guaranteed his life. Look further into his wellbeing’s improvement.

Both the creator and the voyager are French. He sets out on extended and one of a kind excursions and journeys that are the reason for his distributions.

The Consolations of the Forest and The Art of Patience are two of his most popular works. He showed up in the Revue des Deux Mondes version from May to June 2022.

Update On Sylvain Tesson Accident And Paralyzed Case In 2014, Sylvain Tesson was engaged with an unusual mishap that put him in a trance like state for ten days. He fell a couple of meters in 2014 when it home’s outside to scale a Chamonix.

He got 20 cracks from the mishap and burned through two months in bed at Pitié Salpêtrière Hospital in Paris. He said that he languished halfway amnesia over roughly a month over the course of his time in the clinic.

Despite the fact that he had great memories of his time in the medical clinic, he was in huge agony when he left. He had fastens his head, a few broke bones, and some rib pieces in his heart.

He gained from the mishap that actual aggravation is the most exceedingly terrible kind of desolation. As a result of his broke skull, he was unable to shut his eyes, and in light of the fact that the nerve prompting the cerebrum is straightforwardly joined, it hurt.

What has been going on with Sylvain Tesson? Sylvain Tesson has all the earmarks of being getting along nicely and has recuperated from his mishap, yet he actually discusses how horrible it was on the grounds that it left him paraplegic and put him in a state of extreme lethargy for ten days.

By rising the 422 stages of Notre Dame de Paris all alone, the essayist went through treatment almost day to day. He needed to improve so he could go to France.

He continued his movements subsequent to improving and made a beeline for the Himalayas to see the snow panther. Then, at that point, he revived his craving for new experiences while driving across a frozen lake in Mongolia in the dead of winter.

Where Could The Writer Today be? Les Chemins de Pierre, Sylvain Tesson’s novel-turned-film, is currently under creation.

Like this, he will be seen helping photographic artist Vincent Munier in the film The Red Velvet Queen: The Snow Leopard as he embarks to catch the scandalously tricky snow panther.

Philippe Tesson, the columnist who made the French day to day Le Quotidien de Paris, and Marie-Claude Tesson are the guardians of Sylvain Tesson.

The entertainer Stephanie Tesson and the workmanship pundit Daphne Tesson are his sisters. His experience is in geology, and he has an international affairs degree.

About Sylvain Tesson Travel And Writings Sylvain Tesson navigated the Himalayas by walking again with Poussin in 1997, voyaging 5000 kilometers in five months from Bhutan to Tajikistan.

Afterward, in 1998, he and Poussin cooperated to compose the book La Marche Dans le Ciel: 5000 km by walking in the Himalaya.

He and photographic artist Priscilla Telmon rode ponies across the focal Asian steppes in 1999 and 2000, making a trip from Kazakhstan to Uzbekistan.

Two books in the public broadcast and book series Un été avec were composed by Tesson. In 2017 he distributed Un été avec Homère about Homer, and in 2020 he distributed Un été avec Rimbaud about Arthur Rimbaud.